Friday, December 28, 2007

White Christmas!

We had a WHITE was the first white Christmas in almost 70 years is what the news said. It was so beautiful to watch the snow come down. We recieved about 4 inches that day and another 3-4 the next day. We live on 10 acres surrounded by trees, so it looks like Mt. Hood up here. All of my brothers and sisters and there families came over for Christmas dinner and enjoyed the snow as well. Where they live there was no snow. Hudson slept through most of Christmas. He has a cold so he hasn't been feeling well. Next year it will be fun with Hudson because he will be older. Adam and I had a wonderful Christmas and hope everyone did also.


Courtney said...

You guys are so cute! I am glad you started a we can keep in touch with each other!

Mine is

linnie said...

It is so great to see pictures of you all! We especially liked "baby in mexican hat" :)

bbcurfew said...

I'm so excited you're blogging it up now! Now I can secretly stalk you! I'm glad to see things are going well for the cutest family in the world. PS- we had a white Christmas in Seattle too... so great!

Tiffany said...

Hey Foush! I mean is kinda wierd to call you Michelle! I was so excited to see your comment on my blog! It was great to hear from you! You have such a cute little family and you look so happy! Hope your holidays were great! Keep in touch! (by the way, my husband is soon applying for physical therapy school too! Let us know where you guys end up going to! And good luck!)