Sorry no baby yet. I am trying though. Don't you wish you could just tell your body when to go into labor. That would make things so nice and convenient. I thought maybe last night was the real thing. I was timing my contractions (strong ones also) about every 5 minutes for almost an hour, but then they stopped...grrrr! So now I am just at home trying to get my mind off of having a baby so maybe I will go into labor. I will keep you updated when something good happens!!
Oh my gosh! That baby needs to hurry and come out already! I keep checking your blog to see if it has happened yet! What has the Doc said?? We went in last Thursday and we were dilated to a 2 and 80% effaced so we hope that means we will go early and not make it to our due date...we'll see. I will be thinking of you and praying for your baby's safe arrival SOON! :)
Good luck!! I can't wait to see pictures of him!!!
That is when I always finally had my babies...when I stopped trying so hard for the labor to start...then BAM it started! Good luck...hope we don't see you at church tomorrow..hee hee! I feel for you, I remember feeling so anxious for the babies to come and then with each one I was one more day " overdue"...1 day with my first, 2 days with my second, induced early because I was impatient with my third and 4 days over with my 4th. Ya know due dates are subjective anyway. Have a fabulous time and good luck again! BTW... you are too cute when you are pregnant, I think I am jealous...I was big as a house...everywhere:)
i am out of the blogging world... but just thought to check in on you... GOOD LUCK GIRL!!!!!! i am rooting for ya! now i will have to get back into things & can't wait to see him. xo
ha you have got to be the cutest pregnant lady I have EVER seen. EVER.
I will cross my fingers that something happens soon!!!!
Good luck! I hope everything goes smoothly for you and your baby! :)
Good luck. Just keep walking around and then maybe the little guy will just fall out with no effort at all. Well, just hope that gravity is your friend right now. Can't wait to see the cute little one!!!
Michelle! I kept thinking of you yesterday wondering if anything had happened yet; dang it! I second everyone on how great you look still- I only wish I could stay as teeny as you have. I'm huge already and still have four weeks left:( Way to go and good luck!
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