Saturday, February 16, 2008

Growing up so fast!

To be able to get these photos he had to be very mad. I sat him down in the chair and tried to get him to smile, but this is what I got. Still cute though!

He has 2 teeth now. He likes to take drinks from my water and scrape his two little teeth on the glass. It sounds like nails on a chalkboard.

Hudson has started to be very difficult when we sit down to eat. He would grab at our plates and want what we had. So I thought it was about time to start him on rice cereal which he loves. He shakes and smiles when he sees that he is going in the high chair.


Meagan Marie said...

I am so glad you posted new pictures!! I still can't believe he has teeth! that's crazy! I am so excited for you guys to come here!! It will be so good to see you!

Meagan Marie said...

P.S. I got your valentine in the mail today. Thankyou so much!! you are the best!!

Amie said...

I love the little teeth and two already! Was he a happy teether or really cranky? I don't know if I am coming to Utah in March, but if I do lets get together. (I should come just so I can see you and Hudson, my GQ baby)