Friday, February 1, 2008

Tagged by Tiffany!

Here are 7 random facts about me:
1. I love going to bed thinking about what I am going to eat for breakfast. I really like breakfast, especially pancakes with peanut butter and syrup...mmm!
2. I color coordinate my closet. It bugs me when closet looks messy so organizing them by color makes me happy.
3. If I could go to the store and buy anything without looking at the price tag, I would buy citizen jeans. I love the way they look on me. Girls know that when you find a good pair of jeans you have to have them. I want several and different shades of denim. Adam cannot believe that I spend that much on a pair, but he just doesn't understand.
4. I can't sleep with socks on. It really bothers me.
5. My guilty pleasure is Banana Cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory. I cannot even tell you how much I love that restaurant. I seriously cannot get enough. Even if I am full from dinner I have to have cheesecake. Oh if you haven't tried it do. You'll love it! My mouth is watering for it right now.
6. I love the Michael Bolton song "Said I love you but I lied". I know its a cheesy song but its my ringtone for when Adam calls me. I get a little embarrassed when we are out and it goes off. Oh well.
7. I am obsessed with poka dots. My wedding was even black and white poka dots w/ pink. I can't tell you why but I love looking at poka dots. They are so cute. Everyone in my family knows that I like them, so I have tons of stuff that are poka dots from dish towls to bags to baby blankets and much more.

I tag Meagan, Julie, Stephanie, Lisa, Brittany, Aime, and Calee


Meagan Marie said...

Thanks for the tag, it was kind of fun!

the Painters said...

hey Michelle! Wow look at you momma! You are so beautiful and I am SOOOO happy I came upon your blog! You have a beautiful family.
Yes, i got married end of 2004 and became a full time step mommy instantly. We had Alec in Jan 2006. I am a stay at home mommy during the week and a makeup artist at MAC on Fri and Sat nights and it's sooooo fun! Hope all is well. It was great to see your blog. hudson is the CUTEST!

Tiffany said...

I totally am with you on the expensive jeans thing! I am a great bargain shopper and usually won't pay more than 10 or 15 bucks for a top, but when it comes to jeans, I will pay ridiculous amounts of money if I really love them that much! Have you ever tried Miss Me jeans? I just got some for Christmas at Buckle and I LOVE them! I want to wear them everyday! You should try them!

Courtney said... wonder we are friends...your numbers 1-4 are about me too!

julie said...

My closet is the same way! I have a hard enough time getting ready I don't need a mess to go through! I'm going to get to my tag asap... I did a 6 things on my second blog entry so it might take me a bit to figure out 7 more... that are good! xo

fuz&michelle said...

I started laughing when I read your closet one. I remember our closet. I have tried to do it, but it never lasts :( I'm not that organized. I really think you should add on a #8 and tell everyon you have the words to Estoy Aqui memorized even though you don't speak Spanish! That's one of my favorite memories of you