Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Remember when...

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. I think it will be pretty fun to see the responses.


Dawson & Stacie + 4 little fellers said...

Its crazy how fast time flies!! Hudson will be one so soon.. Hes so cute! I remember working with you when you were in your first weeks of pregnancy, you were such a trooper with being sick and working full time and then I remember when you were in your last weeks of pregnancy.. It was fun to witness that amazing process with such a good friend!! We miss you guys...
be well

Mitzi said...

Oh Michelle, my memories of you just bring me one laugh after another :) I guess poll dancing is one of the top laughs! We went to one of the cirgue dis solae (sp) shows over the 4th and that put poll dancing on a whole new level!! They were fantastic. Anyway, I love and miss you. You have a DARLING family !!!!!!

Jenell said...

I have too many to share, I had to really think which one I wanted to share, but this one till makes me smile to think about. Adam will like it.
You where in 5th or 6th grade maybe, and I remember you telling us all how popular you were. I remember you saying "I am the most popular girl in school, everyone likes me" I remember Andrea and I trying to explain to you why you shouldn't say things like that, but you kept insisting that your just telling the truth.

Jenell said...

Oh sorry, I had to share one more. You and Adrienne use to make music videos. The best was you and Adrienne, completely flat chested in your swim suits with the fan blowing a sheet behind you and you were dancing trying to be sexy. We have it on tape for anyone that is ever going to be in the area, this is a must see.
Michelle has always done crazy, silly things. That is just who she is. I could recount many others, but those two are enough for now. Its got me thinking tonight though, if I come up with another one that just makes me laugh to myself I may have to share it.

mommyof6 said...

I remember when you came home from school after our grade school had all taped songs for our sister school in Japan aparently you had to go the bathroom pretty bad and couldn't leave. To this day your bodily functions, and disfunctions make me laugh. I also miss how you'd come and sleep in my room and we'd talk for hours.

Liz & Zac said...

A memory I have is when i always used to do your hair and you would tell me the funniest honeymoon stories and one time when you were so huge with Hudson i painted your toes cause you couldn't reach them. I miss you! Are you coming anytime soon?

Tiffany said...

Ok, you are gonna laugh so hard when you read this. I remember when we went on a road trip to Southern Cali to go to Six Flags and we were on our way home and stopped at a gas station to fill up. We put on your Shakira CD and your fave song, "Estoy Aqui" and you got out to wash the car windshield with the little sponge/squeegie thingy. We blasted the music as loud as it would go and you totally did this whole dance and lip synch routine to the entire song as you washed the windows and we all just sat in the car and laughed our asses off. LOL! Good times...

Twyst said...

I remember when you used to live in Utah and would cook me dinner on Sundays, now I'm really missing those Sundays.

My entire life is filled with memories of Michelle and fun things we'd do (including fighting!), it's hard to pick one... But if I had to I think I'd pick our movie making memories. We did SO MANY, and only me and Michelle probably remember them all. News casts, music videos, skits, chins painted like faces, the ol'legs-of-someone else, using our dog KC in them, etc, etc. Some of the best childhood memories we had I think.

bbcurfew said...

I remember when...
You had the girls from work over to our place at Highland Park to make up a dance for your work Christmas party. You have some sweet moves girl! Every time "All I Want for Christmas is You" by Mariah plays, I immediately think of you!!

Bobbilynn said...

Oh I loved all the girl chat we'd have a work! And how much you would get me laughing! You always had a funny story to tell about something.

Gosh all these Memory posts make me miss everyone!

Breanna said...

Hi Michelle, I just remember when Andrea and I would get in fights at your house you always invited me to hang out with you and jump on your trampoline! (Oh and thanks for the baby boy clothes. I really needed them!)

Mike Woodward said...

I remember in the heat of the summer you and Meagan being pregnant. (I feel your pain) Anyway, I'd come into the back breakroom and you guys would have the freezer door open just chillin in front of it.
Also how can you think of a memory of you and not have some sort of sex advice attached to it?! Thanks Michelle! ;) Hope we get to see you soon!

Meagan Marie said...

ok so i wasn't going to comment because i can't pick just one!! but my mom make me remember one i had forgotten so i wanted to share it with you. Remember when we went to swiss days last year? And we were both like 9 months pregnant, man the two of us together was a show stopper. I remember people staring at us because we were both so so big and ready to pop! and it was like 100 degrees! Good times! lol I have so many great memories with you!! they include, but are not limited to: running up the canyon, hiking timp and not being able to move the next day, striper classes, friends trivia, Tyra Banks lol, Burlington Coat factory prego announcement, camping with blow horns, BBQ's, late night movies, banana cream cheesecake, and so many more!! Can't wait to add an awesome trip to oregon to the list!! Love you tons!!

Harries Family said...

It has been so much fun to hear what everyone remembers. Yes I sound like a stripper, singer, sex therapist and the most popular girl, but its who I am. I love being crazy and having fun. I have had so many great memories of all of you. Thank you for your thoughts and allowing me to reminisce...Adam has really gotten to know the REAL me! Well he knew I polled dance because I have done it many of times for him..lol!

fuz&michelle said...

I really have so many, and all of them make me laugh. I remember hiding in our room from PF. And when you first got "the black Foush" we all piled in and drove around the block. My most constant memory is being woken up to you singing and dancing Shakira to us. :) And my last one is when Ny and I flew to Oregon and surprised you for your birthday :) so fun! I miss you!

Harries Family said...

I remember a lot of memories of PF, scary moments also of PF...ha ha! I loved that Shakira song. I should start waking Adam up to that song, he would just love it, ok not really but it would make me laugh! I had so much living with you girls!