Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Happy Anniversary to Us

Today is Adam and my 2nd Anniversary. I know everyone always says that is feels like they've been married longer than they have, but its true. Especially now that we have Hudson. It feels like 5 years. Probably because I have been so happy and when your happy time flys by. Adam has been such a wonderful husband. I truly feel blessed to be married to such a great man. We have had such a great marriage so far and I hope that pattern continues. He has made me feel so special by the little things he does. If its just a random text message that says I love you it makes me smile. He always can make me laugh through his witty sense of humor. He's made me a mother which is something I always to be. He has made me a stronger person by pushing me to do things. He has made me a better wife by allowing me to be me. Being married is such a wonderful blessing and I feel so lucky to be married to him and know that I have eternity with him. I love him so much!


Tiffany said...
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Tiffany said...

Happy Anniversary! I know exactly what you mean about it feeling like you have been married for so much longer...time really does fly by so quickly when you are so happy! And I am happy for you!! :) Let me know when you guys find out where you are going to school! We are getting ready to apply to a bunch of physical therapy schools in the next couple months here... E-mail me sometime: tiffanyannebrimhall@gmail.com

Breanna said...

Happy Anniversary! Beautiful picture of the two of you!

Twyst said...

Way to rub it in...

lol just kidding, congratulations you two.

Meagan Marie said...

dang it! I was going to remember to call you and wish you a happy anniversary!! Well happy anniversary!! I love you guys so much!! And i am so happy for you!

bbcurfew said...

Yay! Happy anniversary! I thought about you last night before I went to bed at 12:15am and my phone said July 1!

linnie said...

HAppy Anniversary!! you have made my mind wander to when I was married just 2 yesrs! It does go by fast and it does feel much longer then it really is! you make a beautiful couple and I am so happy for you both.